Friday, January 31, 2014

February 3rd - 7th, 2014

  • Spelling Bee:  Saturday, February 1st, 2014. Good luck to the student's participating!
  • Class Pictures:  Tuesday, February 11th.

  •     Valentines Day Parties, February 13th, 2:30-3:30. If students are planning on bringing in valentines for friends this day, they must bring in a valentine for each member of our class.  Please see the list of students added to a note in the Friday folder regarding the party. Students may create a valentine bag or box to bring to school on the 13th.  Prizes will be awarded to the top three creative boxes.
  • Special Valentines Update:
     The PTSA is sponsoring a project for Children's Hospital, "From Our Heart to Yours".   During the Valentine's Day party we will be helping the class prepare craft kits for the patients at Children's Hospital.   Each grade level will be preparing kits for the children at the hospital to enjoy during their stay.  The class will be assembling the materials, but will not make the projects. The project is specific, with detailed instructions to follow due to guidelines for safety.
     Parents interested in hosting and helping out for the valentines party are welcome, and a sign up genius is available at:

  • Early release:  Wednesday, February 26th at 1:00.

No School:  Friday, February 14th (teacher work day) and Monday,February 17th (President's Day).

1.  Science:  click on the following link and answer these questions:

a.  The moon goes through one cycle of phases each time it orbits earth.  How does this model show evidence of this?  Explain.  Hint use what we learned about lunar phases to defend your answer.

2.  Writing:   Student's are given in class time to take notes on president reports on Mondays.  These notes need to be taken home, a rough draft written and brought back on Wednesday for in class revision.  Revised writing pieces will be sent home for final copies to be written and turned in on Friday.