- Halloween Fall Festival, Monday, October 31st - parties 2:15-3:40. Students may bring a costume to school on the morning of the 31st and will be given 15 minutes to change before the school-wide parade begins. Please no masks. This is a school rule.
- Hearing and vision: November 16th.
- Grandparents Day, November 18th, 10:55 to 11:55.
- Math Club: Thursday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m. These times will be used for students that need additional help and support in math.
- Please remember that the Banana Costume and writing are both due Monday, October 31st.

- The Fourth Grade Rats Cube was sent home on 10/28 in your Friday Folder. This needs to be completed and turned in by Friday, November 4.
- Please play the following math game to help increase your knowledge of money combinations. Click on the picture to be taken to the game:
- Become more familiar with different types of poetry while playing the following game. Please turn in (and label) at least one of each poem that you create while playing the game: 1 haiku, 1 limerick, 1 cinquain, 1 free verse. Click on the picture below to begin creating your own poetry: