Friday, November 4, 2011

November 7th - 11th, 2011

November 7th –November 11th, 2011

  • Report cards will be sent home on Friday, November 18th. Please sign and return the outside cover.

  • Grandparents Day:  Friday, November 18th.

  • Thanksgiving Holiday:  No school November 21st-25th

  • Arvada Food Drive:  Our school will be collecting canned and boxed goods to help meet the many needs of food in our Arvada area.  Students in our class can bring in their donations from November 28th to December 9th.  The classroom with the most donations will receive a pizza party from student council.

  • Snacks needed for Grandparent’s Day:  To provide a welcoming, social environment, we will again be serving simple snacks to our grandparents and other special guests. A light finger food such as cookies, brownies, pastries, breads, or mini muffins are needed. All the snacks from fourth grade will be served in the main hallway outside the C pod. Please email or call Diane Ranta if you can donate food for this special day or if you have any questions. (Diane Ranta 303-431-3669, e-mail:

1.  This Turkey Needs Dressing!  In your Friday folder I sent home a turkey copied on card stock.  Cut out the Turkey, use scraps of cloth, paper, foil, glitter, and your imagination for a spiffy he or she.  Be sure to name him or her and then write a biography about your terrific turkey. Your dressed turkey, and turkey biography are due Friday, November 11th. Remember a biography is a a written account of another person's life, in this case, the life of your turkey.

2.  Please play the following geometry game and be prepared to discuss the shapes and ideas presented in the graphics.