Welcome back! I hope everyone had a marvelous winter break!
- Van Arsdale night at Chipotle, this Wednesday, January 18th! The Chipotle on 64th and Ward is offering an amazing 50% of the proceeds back to our school if you show the following flyer! Thank you Chipotle. See you there!
- Mrs. Nisely out of the building this week: I will be out of the building all week! My dear friend and fellow teacher, Mrs. Burner, will be filling in for me. I will be at a reading and writing conference on Wednesday and the other days I will be helping my daughter as she just had a baby and is home from the hospital. I'll still be checking in with Mrs. Burner and also checking my emails.
- Classroom Supplies: We have run out of spiral notebooks for math! If you have any extra unused spiral notebooks at home, we would appreciate if we could use them for math.
- Genius Hour Update: Students are currently wrapping up their projects by using Screen Castify and revising as they listen to their presentations. They are becoming experts by teaching each other and Mrs. Curran.
Dates to Remember:
- January 16- Martin Luther King Jr. Day, No School
- January 28- Spelling Bee
- Remember, students will need to continue to complete their weekly at home reading and record their reading minutes by each Friday in their planners. The requirement is still 150 minutes of reading to meet fourth grade standards!
Science -
- Please watch the following YouTube videos about the rotations of the planets in the solar system.
- Math: Students must spend some time on IXL.com this week practicing the concepts we have been learning during Math Workshop. Our final test on unit 4, algebra will be this week. Here are the concept letters: J.5, J.6, J.7, F.2, F.4, F.6, G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5. These locators are all indicators of what we have been working on. 10 or 15 minutes a day on one of these has proven to be an amazing support!