- Grandparents Day: Friday, November 22th. Students will be working on a special computer presentation in our classroom and plan to share these with their guests on Grandparent’s day. Students are encouraged to dress up on this day in order to represent our school and show respect to our guests.
- Thanksgiving Holiday: No school November 25th - 29th.
1. Math: Students need to log onto think central and work through a math lesson that I reloaded for them. Here are the steps:
a. google search think central
b. click on think central math
c. fill out the log in sheet with Colorado, Jefferson Dist R-1 Golden, 80401, Van Arsdale,
d. Log in: first intial last name: bsmith
e. passwork: va first name: vabill
2. President Writing: On Monday our new class president will present information about their life, family members, passions, hobbies, and two stories they want to share. Student will take two column notes on the new president. Then by Friday, November 15th each student in our class will:
a. turn their notes into a rough draft.
b. Revise their notes (add, change, take out to improve writing)
c. edit their drafts. (correct spelling and punctuation)
d. write a final polished copy to be turned in on Friday.
All of these steps are to be done at home, each week, except the note taking.
We've have modeled and worked through two president pieces and one is graded and in this weeks Friday Folder with a rubric.
- 2. Turkey writing:This Turkey Needs Dressing! On Monday students will receive a turkey copied on card stock. Cut out the Turkey, use scraps of cloth, paper, foil, glitter, and your imagination for a spiffy he or she. Be sure to name him or her and then write a story about your terrific turkey. Your dressed turkey, and turkey story are due Wednesday, November 20th. Remember to use a circle and flee map to focus your thinking before you write. These maps will be due with your turkey.