- As students work through our science unit, they have shown great strides in accurately recording and demonstrating wonderful experiments. Science notebooks are a critical piece to our science studies. These notebooks integrate writing and scientific data collection and thought. Higher levels of thinking are required throughout all of our science units.
- Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for October 20-22nd. I have created a SignUp Genius page for parents to sign up for conferences; you should have received an email with the link to the page. If you didn't receive the email or haven't signed up for a conference spot yet, click the link below to sign up:
- http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084FA4AC2EA5FB6-parent
- I have rostered my students to Raz-Kids.com, using the school's subscription to Raz-Kids. This site gives the kids access to hundreds of eBooks and audiobooks for them to read, listen to, and record. Reading comprehension quizzes along the way show student progress. Your child can access the site on a computer tablet or phone (iOS or Android systems) via http://www.raz-kids.com/login/snisely. In addition, you, as a parent are also able to follow your child's progress! Log in as your student, click on the "Parents" link in the upper right, register and follow the instructions. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can send your email address(es) to me at snisely@jeffco.k12.co.us. Student sign in is: Teacher: snisely Password: First initial, last name . (ie: Teacher: snisely Passord: TSmith
Dates to Remember:
- Friday, September 26th: Early Release at 1:00 & Carnival
- Literacy: Please read the following text on fingerprints and complete the diagram as instructed.
- Math: Play the factor game below to sharpen your factor finding skills