January 9th – January 13th, 2012
- Happy New Year! Due to the short week, no reaction sheet.
- Denver Museum of Nature and Science field trip is Thursday, January 12th from 9:10 to 1:30. Permission slips were sent out before the holiday break and are due back immediately if students are planning on attending. Still will bring a sack lunch to school that day and a snack. Due to limited space on our buses and cost savings, we are asking parent volunteers to car pool to the museum. Each class was permitted three parent helpers. Names were placed in a hat and the following parents were selected: Mrs. Kelley, Mrs. Barnard, Mrs. Nash.
- Friday, January 27th, Flex Day/Assessment Day. The fourth grade team will be working with students in two groups. The first group will attend school from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 and the second group of students will work from 12:30 – 3:00. Given the small number of students in each block of time, I plan to work with students on individual math needs. If you have any questions, please contact me at the below phone number, or I will expect see your son/daughter at the times listed.
- Early Release Day: Wednesday, January 25th, 1:10 dismissal.
- No School, Monday, January 16th for Martin Luther King Day.
Suzanne Nisely (303) 982-1108 email: snisely@jeffco.k12.co.us
1. Students will need to play one game of Sparkle at home. Students should challenge themselves on numbers that they are ready for. Either two digit by two digit, or even higher values. We practiced this in class this week, so each child should be prepared. The game is four cornors math. Students choose double digit numbers and write one on each corner of a paper. Then, they have to come up with six subtraction problems using those numbers. Students then check their problems with addition. This sheet of paper will be due Friday, January 13th.
2.Click on the following link to play the mean, median and mode game. Try weather, sports and food practicing your math skills.
3. Check out these two science video's on the solar system.
3. Check out these two science video's on the solar system.