- Students are working on getting their class work and homework in on time. Students are responsible for bringing a late assignment note home for any missing homework. This is a fourth grade expectation and a sign of responsibility.
- Students are doing an amazing job completing their homework and getting it in on time. Thank you for your continued at home support with this.
Dates to Remember:
- Friday, September 26th: Early release at 1:00
- Wednesday, September 10th: Cookie dough orders due
- Thursday, September 11th: Picture Retakes
- Please read the following text. Complete the graphic organizer on a sheet of notebook paper writing the main idea and supporting details.
If the images do not load, please click here for the text, and here for the organizer.
- In math, we are focusing on determining place value. It is so important that we understand how to determine place value before moving on to new concepts in math (such as division). Mrs. Nisely had fun watching and playing this game about place values. Tell us what YOU think!