- We have three upcoming field trips. Fourth grade field trips always seem to fall towards the end of the year...
Here are the dates for your calendar:
Colorado History Center Wednesday, April 5
Denver Aquarium Friday, April 21
Golden History Center Thursday May 4
- PARCC TESTING DAYS and TIMES: Though it is not completely set in stone yet, here are our PARCC dates for fourth grade...
English/Language Arts March 20, 21, 22 9:15 to 11:30
Math April 10, 11, 12, 13 9:15 to 11:30
- Valentines Party - Thank you to all the parents that donated items for our in class party. A big thank you to Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Drogsvold and Anna's grandmother for planning and helping during the party.
- READ-A-Thon: A form will be sent home today for students to log on and record the amount of time they spend reading at home. All students are encouraged to participate. Prizes are included!
Dates to Remember:
- March 3- Report Cards go home and Awards Assembly
- March 17th - Early Release (1:00 pm)March 11 - Talent Show
- March 20 - PARCC Begins
- March 27 - 31- Spring Break
Literacy - Weekly Reading Log (150+ minutes)
Math - IXL Students may log in and spend time on practicing any of our past learning. Currently our unit is on Fractions and decimals.