The next four sessions are reading comprehension and writing. The final three sessions are math.
So, remember to get to bed early and eat a hearty, healthy, protein-packed breakfast. Our testing time slot is 11:00 to 12:15 each day. A healthy snack will be provided.
March 16 Talent Show
March 21 PTSA 2:30 to 3:30, Vault 5:30
March 26 - 30 Spring Break
April 2 No School, Teacher Comp Day
April 11 No School, District closed
April 25 Early Release Day, dismissal at 1:10 pm
April 27th Assessment Day #4
May 4th No School, District closed
This month's book genre is Student's Choice. The format is a Cereal Box Book Report. It is due March 23rd. Directions for a Cereal Box Book Report...
Cereal Box Book Report
Due anytime the week of March 19, 2012
Supplies Needed
Cereal box
White paper (to cover front, back and sides of box)
Scissors, ruler, glue, markers, crayons, other craft supplies
Optional Supplies
Colored paper (to cover front, back and sides of box)
Front Cover of Box
Ø Title of Book
Ø Author
Ø Your Name
Ø Label: My Spring Book Report
Ø Simple illustration or border
Side Panels
Ø Detailed description of the setting(s)
Ø Main character descriptions
Back of Box
Ø PLOT…Write a detailed summary of your book, including any problem(s) and solution(s)
Ø Keep the ending a secret, either leave it out or cover it up
Inside of Box
Ø A fully colored picture of your favorite part of the book with an explanation of why this was your favorite part
Ø At least 3 connections that you had with/to the book.
Ø Collect artifacts that represent the book. For example, if your main character loves Twinkies, you could put a Twinkie in the box. One child read How to Eat Fried Worms and filled his box with gummy worms and ketchup packets to share with the class after presenting his book report.
Visit the website every night and take advantage of the free minutes. Stay in the fourth grade section.
Focus on the following topics:
Measurement: Compare and Convert Customary Units (N.1)
Compare and Convert Metric Units (N.2)
Time: Elapsed time (O.5)
Geometry: P.1 to P.4, and P.6 to P.8
Decimals: T.2
Functions: H.1 and H.2
Data, Charts, and Graphs: J.1 through J.7
Visit the on-line math dictionary and review all the geometry vocabulary from our last math unit.
Look up and review:
point, line, ray, line segment
horizontal, vertical,diagonal, intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines
right, acute, obtuse, and straight angles
polygons, quadrilaterals, rhombus, triangle (all types)
parallelograms, squares, rectangles, and trapezoids