Friday, January 22, 2016

January 25-29, 2016

  • **All 4th graders are working hard to complete their Genius Hour projects! To help, Mrs. Wiley and Mrs. McHugh will be available before school for any 4th graders who would like to come in and work on their projects. They will be available at 8:00 on the mornings of the 25th, 26th, 28th and 29th. Please send Mrs. Wiley a quick email to let her know if you would like to come on any of these days at
  • Students are expected to continue working on their multiplication tables at home until completely mastered! Many students have studied for the in class test, and then have forgotten their facts during math! As we work on division and fractions in our math unit, a complete recall of multiplication facts is critical for success!
  • Classroom Supplies: We have run out of spiral notebooks for math! If you have any extra unused spiral notebooks at home, we would appreciate if we could use them for math.

Dates to Remember:
  • January 27 - Science Fair
  • February 5 - Space Odyssey Parent-Child Dance, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
  • February 11 - Valentine's Days Parties
  • February 12 - President's Day Weekend, No School
  • February 15 - President's Day, No School

    Social Studies

    Know these terms before Friday.  

    Key Terms

    Agriculture- The practice of farming and raising animals

    Asset- A useful or valuable thing, person or quality

    Bonanza- A situation or event that causes a sudden increase in wealth, good fortune or profit

    Bypass- To travel past or around.

    Expedition- A journey or voyage by a group of people with a specific purpose

    Expense- The cost required for something; the money spent on something

    Incentive- A thing that motivates or encourages one to do something

    Industry – Processing raw materials and manufacturing goods in factories

    Natural Resource-Things that occur in nature that can be used for economic gain

    Opportunity Cost- Losing a potential gain due to choosing one of many options.

    Risk-A situation that exposes someone or something to danger, harm or loss

    Transcontinental- Crossing a continent (usually refers to a railroad line)