- We are welcoming some new critters to our classroom - a couple hundred wiggly, little decomposers in fact! We will have earthworms in our class to investigate ecosystems and decomposers. We're also going to be composting and learning about the idea of "trash-to-treasure".
- Flex Days are on May 5th and 6th. Not all students are required to attend - testing is by invitation only. If your child needs to attend, you will receive an email with a link to a sign up genius. Testing will take approximately 1 hour - 15 minutes with me and 45 minutes independently.
- This Friday is our field trip to the Westminster Promenade to see Disney's Monkey Kingdom. If you ordered a snack, please bring $4.00 for it. Students also need to bring a sack lunch on Friday!
- CMAS Social Studies is this week on April 14, 15 and 16. These are state standardized tests, so make sure your child is getting a good breakfast and is well rested!
Dates to Remember:
- April 13-17th - 6th grade Rock Shop
- April 17th - Monkey Kingdom Movie Field Trip
- April 22nd - Early Release - 1:00 pm
- May 5-6th - Flex Days (invitation only)
Literacy - Weekly Reading Log (150+ minutes)
Math - Please log into IXL.com with your username and password. Everyone has the same password: nisely04). Complete the Measurement problems for Measuring with an Inch Ruler, Conversion tables - customary units, and Conversion tables - metric units (Fifth Grade > Measurements > N.1, N.7 & N.13).