Sunday, December 11, 2016

December 12 - 15th, 2016

  • No take home note or reaction sheet for winter break! The only homework over winter break required from student's is the Reading Log. Enjoy your holiday break!
  • Santa's Wishlist
  • Genius Hour, News from Mrs. Curran:
    It's getting fun!  We learned how to do screen casting!  After the kids have finished animating, imaging, and choosing their layouts, they can screen cast - record their presentation.  This is the final part before presenting.
  • Dates to Remember:
  • December 21 - Last day of school before winter break
  • January 9th - Students return from break.

Literacy - Weekly Reading Log (150+ minutes)
Math - As always, continue to practice your multiplication facts! IXL is an amazing resource to reinforce all of the math we have been learning this year!  See the "Classroom Resources" on the left hand side for math games and videos.

We have been working very hard this year, and been very good, learning and growing as fourth graders (aka fifth-graders-in-training). Unfortunately, our supplies are dwindling! If you need some ideas for stocking stuffers, we are running low on spiral notebooks, PENCILS, composition books, and dry erase markers.