- Students continue to impress me with their writing and taking the time to brainstorm, plan, edit and revise both their in class writing and their weekly president's reports. Thank you for the continued support.
- IXL has been purchased for our fourth grade continued use. Student's now must log in with their student id and still : mathrocks 2013 Nisely04. Minutes and scores will now be saved to a class roster for more accurate record keeping.
- Wednesday, December 11th, Barnes and Noble night.
- Thursday, December 19th, Geo Bee, Van Arsdale library, 2:00.
- Tuesday, December 17th, 4th grade musical, 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Winter Break: December 23rd-January 3rd.
- Students return: Wednesday, January 8th.
No spelling word lists were given this week due to spelling Bee quiz that will be given Tuesday, December 10th, 2013.
Grandparent's Day class video: video (click on the highlighted word) password: iteach1
1. Check out the above video we made for grandparents day. Click the link and type in the password.
2. President's report: Due Friday, 13th. Our new president this week is Izzy.
3. In addition to completing the regular worksheet math homework that is sent home several times during the week, student will need to visit IXL.com. Log in using their student id and work on division. See above weekly information on logging in.
4. Reading log, as always, will be due Friday, December 13th.