Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 21st - 25th, 2012

  • The wax museum was a huge sucess! Thank you to all the parents and relatives that attended. Thank you also for the extra help pulling together costumes and helping students practice speeches.
  • Last reaction sheet and reading log of the year was sent home in this Friday folder! Also, last blog homework is this one!
  • It is amazing to me that this fourth grade year is drawing to a close!  I consider myself blessed to have spent this year with such a wonderful group of kids!   It has been my honor and privilege to be their teacher!  Thank you for sharing them with me.  Have a wonderful summer.
  • Dissecting Owl Pellets: Monday, May 21st at 10:40. If you are interested in helping with this hands-on science project please let me know.
  • End of the year picnic:  May 31st.  Our class be celebrating the end of a great year with a picnic in the park.  We will walk over to the park next to the school. Students need to bring a sack lunch and a drink. We would love to have donations of dessert items. Please let me know if you can donate a plate of cookies, brownies or other desserts.
  • Report Cards will come home with your son/daughter Thursday, May 31st..
  • Monday, May 28th – No school, Memorial Day.
  • Last day of school –Thursday, May 31st  School ends at 1:40.
  • Look Out Mountain: field trip, Tuesday, May 29th from 9:15-1:30. Students will need to bring a sack lunch, comfortable hiking shoes and dress for the weather.

1.  Science: students need to be working on their ecosystem habitat project.  Some in class time was given; however, time researching, writing, revising, editing and final production also must be worked on at home. A rubric, flip book, and mini ecoystem tag board prop was given to each student in class. The final project will be due Tuesday, May 29th, 2012.

2. Spelling and science Test:  Placing and correct spellling of the bones test will be given Friday, May 25th.  I've included a copy of the sheet students should study from.