Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 12-16, 2011

  • Holiday Gingerbread houses: We still need supplies to create our houses, such as white frosting, graham crackers and candy decorations.
  • No math club this week!  We will start up again after break on January 12th, 2012.
  • No Take Home Note/ or homework next week. Students will still be expected to read over the winter break and fill out two reading logs. Happy Holidays!
  • Student Supplies needed:  many students have used up or no longer have some of the essential supplies they started the year with, such as pencils, erasers, glue sticks, scissors, dry erase markers, colored markers and colored pencils. Our school does not have the funds to purchase these supplies for students and many students do not even have pencils.
  • Winter Break:  December 20th- January 3, 2011. Student’s return Wednesday, January 5th, 2011!

2.  Complete the math worksheet below using the lattice method of multiplication.

Language Arts

Print off and complete the worksheet below.  The focus of the worksheet is INFERENCING.  You will need to be a detective and search out clues that will help you answer the questions correctly.  There is one correct answer for each question.  This is due by Wednesday morning.