- No Blog post next week! Happy Thanksgiving Break!
- Still Needed: Nine volt batteries.
- Free Park Passes: President Obama enacted this program to get all 4th graders a free pass to the parks for them and their families. It is a great program:
- Grandparents Day: Friday, November 18th from 1:35 to 2:30. Students are encouraged to dress up on this day in order to represent our school and show respect to our guests. Also, we are looking for someone willing to contribute some snacks for our guests on Grandparent's Day. Nothing too elaborate, just something for the grandparents to snack on while visiting the class. Some ideas include finger foods like banana bread, brownies, mini muffins, cheese and cracker trays, fruit or veggie trays, cookies, etc. Also needed are plates, napkins, and forks
- No President writing this week. Please be working on your Turkey Piece. Dress your Turkey is due on Thurs
- Please be working on your multiplication facts for our weekly fluency tests! You may miss a maximum of 4 problems to move on to the next level.
Dates to Remember:
- November 18 - Grandparents Day (1:35 - 2:30)
- November 21st- 25th - Thanksgiving Break
- Weekly Reading Log (150+ minutes)
- "Dress This Turkey!" Writing:
- This Turkey Needs Dressing! Students received a turkey copied on card stock. Cut out the turkey, and use scraps of cloth, paper, foil, glitter, and your imagination to dress up a spiffy he or she turkey. Be sure to name him or her and then, write a story about your terrific turkey. Your dressed turkey, and turkey story are due Thursday, November 17th. See the rubric above.