Friday, November 9, 2012

November 12th-16th, 2012

  • No blog or homework over our Thanksgiving holiday break!  Enjoy.

  • Writing:  Thank you for having conversations with your son/daughter regarding the writing they have completed in the classroom and at home.  I have included these graded writing pieces in their Friday folders. I was pleased to see so many students are using strong descriptive words, had a clear beginning, middle, and end to their writing, and took the time to edit and revise. On reading responses, we are working on including a topic sentence, supporting details from the text and including a strong conclusion. These are all strategies we are working on in class.
  • Math writing: please see student work in Friday folder. Having a conversation with your son/daughter about their math writing will help them process and improve.
  • Report cards will be sent home on Friday, November 16th. Please sign and return the outside envelope after our Thanksgiving break.
  • Grandparents Day:  Friday, November 16th. Students are working on a special computer presentation  in our classroom and plan to share these with their special guests on Grandparent’s day. Students are encouraged to dress up on this day in order to represent our school and show respect to our guests.
  • Thanksgiving Holiday:  No school November 19th - 23rd.

  • 2. Turkey writing:
    This Turkey Needs Dressing!  In your Friday folder I sent home a turkey copied on card stock.  Cut out the Turkey, use scraps of cloth, paper, foil, glitter, and your imagination for a spiffy he or she.  Be sure to name him or her and then write a story about your terrific turkey. Your dressed turkey, and turkey story are due Wednesday, November 14th. Remember to use a circle and flee map to focus your thinking before you write.  These maps will be due with your turkey.

Great Graphic Novel on line:  Check it out on line: 
Task #1
This week we will be exploring DIVISION!  Let's practice. Show all your work.  Drawing a picture might help you solve these problems.
1. Mary has 12 apples.  She wants to sort them equally into 3 baskets.  How many apples will she put into each basket?
2. Bob was 24 cookies.  He wants to divide them equally in 6 ziplock baggies.  How many cookies will be in each baggy?
3. Mom made 30 cupcakes.  She wants to arrange them equally onto 6 platters.  How many cupcakes will be on each platter?
4. Carmine has 40 bottle caps.  He wants to arrange them in 4 equal rows.  How many bottle caps will there be in each row?
5. Carson has 25 skateboards.  He wants to gift them equally to his 5 friends.  How many skateboards will each friend receive?
6. Maggie cat had a litter of 21 kittens!  She wants to share the kittens equally between herself and 6 friends.  How many kittens will each girl get?
Task #2
Play the Hoodamath division game below and practice your division facts.  Remember division is the reverse or opposite of multiplication.