Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 24th-January 11th, 2013

Each student received a homework sheet in their Friday folers.  Here is what the homework sheet requires.  Each paper needs to be signed and returned by January 11th.

Holiday Homework

1.  Write a thank-you note to someone who gave you a gift.

2.  Sing, hum, or whistle a holiday song.

3.  Play outside-take your little brother or sister with you (Or your big brother or sister).

4.  Clean up  a mess that you didn't make.

5.  Give a compliment to your mother.

6.  Help w ith dishes after a holiday meal.

7.  Help with a household chore without being asked.

You have set a goal to read and finish this book:________________________________________________

Your book talk will be on:_______________________________