- Monday, January 20th , No school. Martin Luther King Day.
- Friday, January 24th FLEX Day. An individual assessment appointment has been scheduled for your child. The purpose of this assessment if to help us obtain information on your child's reading progress. Notes will be sent home Monday in your son/daughter's planner indicating assessment times.
- Spelling Bee: February 1st.
- Class pictures: Tuesday, February 11th.
- Valentine Party, Thursday, February 13th.
- No School: Friday, February 14th
- No School: Monday, February 17th.
1. Math Homework: Students need to log onto IXL.Com, sign in and complete fourth grade long division.
also, almost daily homework practice sheets are assigned to students and due the next day. This additional practice directly supports our work in class.
2. Reading: Students will need to continue to complete their weekly at home reading and record and turn in their reading minutes each friday. 150 minutes of reading is required to meet fourth grade standards.
3. Science: Watch the science videos below. Think about the question we tried to prove in science class this week: Whose day is longer, Earth or Jupiter? Write an explanation of how you know the answer to the question.