Fourth Grade News
September 6th –September 9th, 2011
- What a delight this week has been! It was wonderful meeting you all at the Ice Cream Social and parent orientation. I feel honored to be teaching at VanArsdale and look forward to working with your son or daughter and you this school year.
- Needed: paper towel rolls (one for each student) and large zip lock baggies.
- Book orders: through scholastic book orders, our class will use extra “book points” to fill our classroom library with the top ten books we select each order we make. So, by placing an individual order, we are adding books to our library! First order due: Tuesday, Sept. 8th.
- Our Fourth Grade Homework and news from our classroom will be sent electronically via this blog each week. Please assist your son/daughter in logging onto the blog especially as they get used to the process.
- In addition to the homework found on our blog, we will be sending home math homework (this math homework will directly relate to what we are studying that day in math and due the very next day) throughout the week and any assignments not completed in class should also be taken home and finished there. This math homework will directly relate to what we are studying that day in math and due the very next day.
Suzanne Nisely
School Number: 303 – 982-1080
(Due: Friday September 9, 2011)
- Please read the following text. Complete the graphic organizer on a sheet of notebook paper writing the main idea and supporting details.
The fastest wind ever recorded was on Mount Washington in New Hampshire. In 1934, the wind blew 231 miles an hour across the top of the mountain. The wind is so fierce there that chains are anchored in solid rock to keep the weather station from blowing away.

- In math, we are focusing on factors, which are numbers you multiply together to get an answer in multiplication. The answer is called a product. The following game asks you to think of factors for different products. Mrs. Atkins got to Level 6 on the first try. Do your best to top her score!

Click here:
*Remember: Reading logs are due on Friday, September 9.