Fourth Grade Take Home Note
Mrs. Nisely’s Class
September 10th-September 14th, 2012
- Many students are lacking knowledge of their multiplication facts! Without this basic knowledge of facts, students may fall behind in math this year. 10 or 15 minutes a night of studying multiplication facts or first thing in the morning will promote this essential learning and pave the way for success with future math assignments.
- Early Release Day: Friday, September 28th at 1:10.
- Field Day for intermediate: Wednesday, September 26th.
- Thursday, September 1st was our school wide cookie dough kick off! What a fantastic fundraiser this has been in the past for our school. Keep selling those cookies!
- September 12th, individual school picture retakes.
- Parent Teacher Conferences, October 17-18th. If you haven’t already signed up for a time, let me know.
Students are working on getting their class work and homework in on time. Students are responsible for bringing a late assignment note home for any missing homework. This is a fourth grade expectation and a sign of responsibility.
(Due: Friday September 14, 2012)
Writing homework:
a. Look for meaningful object or photo to bring and share.
b. Write a paragraph describing a special time spent with a friend.
c. Please go to the link below and play Meteor Multiplication. I worked through all six stages and my final score was 23 math meteors in one minute. See if you can beat me! If you complete all six stages there will be an opportunity for you to print out a completion certificate. Print out the certificate and bring it to me by Friday and I'll pay you 5 PAWS!