- The date for shark dissecting has been set for Monday, October 12th, weather permitting. Students are encouraged to bring an old t-shirt or apron that can be worn on top of normal clothes to protect their clothing. We would love it if we could have some parents come in to help set up and prep the sharks beforehand, around 12:30 and clean up afterward, around 3:30, as well as assist with the dissection themselves. Please email me if you are interested in helping! Times for shark dissections are:
- Mrs. Nisely's class from 1:00 -1:50
- Mrs. Wiley's class from 1:50 - 2:35
- Mrs. Russ' class from 2:35 - 3:20
- Fall Parties are on October 30th. If you'd like to volunteer, please talk to our room mom, Mrs. Steinwagner. Students are allowed to bring a costume for the parade later in the day, however it should not take longer than 15 minutes to get changed. Remember, no masks are allowed due to school rules!
- Please, if you haven't signed up for a spot, please do so as soon as possible!! If you are unable to come to one of the times listed, please email me at snisely@jeffco.k12.co.us and we'll find another time on another day.
Dates to Remember:
- October 21 - Early Release
- October 21 - 22 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
- October 30 - Fall/Halloween Parties
Literacy -
- Weekly Reading Log (150+ minutes)
- Work on President's Piece (Collette)
- Remember to be using rich vocab, details and beautiful descriptive language!
- Top Banana Contest due October 30th (see last weeks blog post)