Friday, December 13, 2013

December 16th - 20th, 2013

No take home note or reaction sheet next week!  The only homework over winter break required from student's is the reading log.  Enjoy your holiday break!

  • Students continue to impress me with their writing and taking the time to brainstorm, plan, edit and revise both their in class writing and their weekly president's reports.  Thank you for the continued support.
  • IXL has been purchased for our fourth grade continued use.  Student's now must log in with their student id and still :  (first and last name and 929)  billsmith929       nisely04.       Minutes and scores will now be saved to a class roster for more accurate record keeping.
  • Wednesday, December 11th, Barnes and Noble night.
  • Thursday, December 19th, Geo Bee, Van Arsdale library, 2:00.
  • Tuesday, December 17th, 4th grade musical, 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Winter Break:  December 23rd-January 3rd.
  • Students return:  Wednesday, January 8th.

Student's need to bring in an orange to school before Thursday.

1. Science:  Please watch the following YouTube videos about the rotations of the planets in the solar system.

2.  President's report:  Student's are required to take notes in class on Mondays on the class president.  From now on students will write their rough draft at home on Monday and Tuesday and bring their writing piece back to school for revising on Wednesday.  Spending time in class to revise will help prompt that beautiful language and rich vocabulary students are required to use in their writing.

3.  Math:  In addition to random days of math homework work practice, students are required to log into IXL and work through the division problems given.  As they log in, I can monitor their work and their time spent on this task.  Log in is as follows:

IXL.  Student's now must log in with their student id and still :  (first and last name and 929)  billsmith929       nisely04.