- Notable person Biography: Students will choose their famous person from history. They are required to read a book on their notable person and complete research through the Internet and our wireless laptops. Their final project will be our “wax museum” presentation and a written biography, Friday, May 18th at 9:00-9:45 a.m. More information to follow.
- No Word work this week due to acuity testing.
- Assessment Day: Friday, April 27th. Students will attend school by appointment only. Information to follow. If you have any questions please call me.
- Special pricing for movie theatre snacks! For just $4.00 students may buy a kids pack that includes a drink, popcorn and fruit snack candy. We will need to let the theatre know about how many students will be interested in this special offer.
- Chimpanzee Movie Field Trip: Friday, April 20th! The remarkable story will be a treat for our students. Special showing celebrating Earth Day and correlating with our ecosystem science unit. Buses will depart at 9:15 a.m. and return for lunch.
- Early Release Day: Next Wednesday, 25th, 1:10 dismissal.
- Friday, May 4th, no school, furlough day
- Young Writer’s Conference, April 20th 8:00-8:50 a.m.: Student’s will share a published or polished piece of writing including small moments, short stories, poems, essays, or other writing pieces. A light breakfast will be served, a certificate of participation, a journal and pen will be given to each student participating. All students in my class are encouraged to attend and share a selection of their writing.
1.Social Stuides: Follow the lilnks to Culture Grams and explore the amazing continent of AFRICA! JCPL Home page: http://jeffcolibrary.org/index.html
2. Access the internet and print infomation on your notable person. Be prepared to bring this information to class in order to continue our work on biographies.
3. Design two Thinking Maps. One Bubble and one Flow (time line of important events) on your notable person. This is due Friday.
4. Writing Prompt: Imagine that you are a small pet, such as a hamster, goldfish, or lizard. Describe a perfect habitat for you to live in. Please include paragraph describing your habitat and why it's perfect for you as a small creature.