- Needed: For our science energy unit, each student needs to bring in a nine volt battery....
Student name should be attached on masking tape.
- Students complete a multiplication fluency test each week! Please be practicing your math facts. There are math games linked in the "Classroom Resources" as well as multiplication videos, and IXL.COM is a wonderful support in practicing these facts.
- Thank you to all the parent helpers and contributors to our fall party. A special thank you to Mrs. Roberts for planning the party! We had a wonderful afternoon of games, crafts, parade, and food! Thank you for spoiling us!
- Social Studies Update from Mrs. Russ: This week in SS we have been exploring maps! We created a map of Africa showing the 3 major regions: Desert, Savannah, and Rain Forest. We also added some major geographic features: Lake Victoria, Nile River, Mt. Kilimanjaro, and the Great Rift Valley. We are also exploring different maps and asking the question, "What is the purpose of this map, what is it trying to tell or show me?" This all ties back to the essential learning: The Geography of where we live affects how we live. Next week we will be talking about the unifying characteristics of region: Landscape, climate, plants and animals, rainfall, and natural resources. A fun and educational at home connection would be to let your child explore the continent using google earth. Really zoom in on those important geographic areas, the banks of the Nile, the Nile Delta, the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, landscape around the equator, and the differences between the Kalahari and the Sahara Deserts.
Dates to Remember:
- November 4 - Early Release
- November 10-18 - Book Fair
- November 11 - Report cards and awards assembly
1. Social Studies: On Google Earth explore the continent! Zoom in on those important geographic areas..... the banks of the Nile, the Nile Delta, the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, landscape around the equator, and the differences between the Kalahari and the Sahara Deserts.
2. No President's report this week!
3. Math IXL.COM on division....... E.4, E.5, E.6, E.7, E.8, E.9.
4. Turkey Project!
- "Dress This Turkey!" Writing:
- This Turkey Needs Dressing! Students received a turkey copied on card stock. Cut out the turkey, and use scraps of cloth, paper, foil, glitter, and your imagination to dress up a spiffy he or she turkey. Be sure to name him or her and then, write a story about your terrific turkey. Your dressed turkey, and turkey story are due Thursday, November 18th. See the rubric below.