Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 5th - May 9th, 2014

Wax Museum, this Friday, May 9th!!! Students will come to school this Friday dressed as their notable person.  Please join us for our wax museum production from 9:00-9:45 a.m. on Friday, May 9th.  Students will change out of their costumes before specials that day.

Final Notable Person Biography due this Friday, May 9th.  Students writing is saved as a google document so your son/daughter can access their writing at home.

Student conference or celebrations are Wednesday, May 14th from 4:00-5:30.  
  • Student Led Conferences/celebration:  May 14th. Between 4:00-5:30 p.m. A Student-led conference is a time for your child to be in charge!  These conferences highlight the most important person in the assessment process – the student. What should a parent expect at a Student-Led Conference?
1.  Your child will do most of the talking.
2.  Your child will tell you the goals he or she is working on in class.
3.  Your child will discuss his or her progress.
4.  Your child will share and explain different types of work that he or   she performs throughout the day.
5.    This conference is a celebration of learning.
We look forward to seeing you!

  • Owl Pellets:  We will be dissecting owl pellets on Friday, May 16th from 10:30 - 12:10.  We still need parent helpers if you are free to come into our class and help.
  • Field Day:  Tuesday, May 20th.

  • 1.  Students are asked to reuse and create something from trash!  Our current science ecosystem discussions have keyed on creating less waste for our environment.  Students are challenged to turn trash to treasure and design something different from trash.  A few picture examples are given below. Each treasure should be no more then 8 x 8.  These treasures will be displayed in the library once completed and turned in on Friday, May 9th.