Word Work/Spelling Test: coming this week. Students were given a spelling test and tested into certain levels of words. Words will be given to students on Monday and tested on Friday each week.
- We are starting our next Writing unit: Poetry and Figurative Language. If you have any kid friendly poetry books, I would love to borrow them for the next three weeks. Please make sure they are clearly labeled with your child's name. Thanks in advance.
October 18 4th grade field trip to Denver Museum of Nature and Science
We will be leaving the school at 8:45 a.m. Please plan to have your child to school by 8:30 that morning. We want to have as much time at the museum as possible, thus the early departure.
- As students work through our science unit, they have shown great strides in accurately recording and demonstrating wonderful experiments. Science notebooks are a critical piece to our science studies. These notebooks integrate writing and scientific data collection and thought. Higher levels of thinking are required throughout all of our science units.
- Book Fair: October 14-18th.
- Parent-Teacher conferences will be Wednesday, October 16th and Thursday, October 17th. If you haven't already signed up for a time, please email me.
- Cookie Dough Delivery on Friday, October 27th. This is also the day of the limo ride.
- Please remind your son/daughter that they must wait for you in the grassy area by the cafeteria when being picked up after school. Students are not allowed to play on the playground equipment at this time, and for no reason should parents park in the hug and go zone!
- Early Release Day: This Friday, October 27th at 1:00.
1. Please read the following four paragraphs. On a sheet of notebook paper, write the sentence that does not fit in the paragraph (this is a detail that should not be included with the rest of the text).
2. Math homework: follow this link and play the following math time game.