Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 19-23, 2011

Fourth Grade Take-Home Note
September 19th-September 23th, 2011

  • Word work/spelling sheets are given to your son/daughter each week on Mondays. They are to staple these in their planners. Words need to be studied each day and the spelling test will be given Thursday.
  • Thank you for helping your son/daughter study their multiplication facts!
  • Parent Teacher Conferences, October 12 - 13th. If you haven’t already signed up for a time, let me know.
  • Wednesday, September 28th, early release at 1:10.
  • Students are working on getting their class work and homework in on time. Students are responsible for bringing a late assignment note home for any missing homework.  This is a fourth grade expectation and a sign of responsibility.
  • Field Day: Thursday, September 29th. Students need dress for the weather that day, eat a healthy breakfast, and bring a water bottle to school.
  • Still Needed: A classroom liaison!
    • Please read the following text. Complete the graphic organizer on a sheet of notebook paper writing the main idea and supporting details:

    • In math, we are focusing on determining place value. It is so important that we understand how to determine place value before moving on to new concepts in math (such as division).  Mrs. Atkins and Mrs. Nisely had fun watching and playing this game about place values. Tell us what YOU think!
    click on picture below:

    Try this!!