Friday, February 24, 2012

February 27th-March 2nd, 2012

·         No word work/spelling tests for the next three weeks due to TCAP testing and preparation.
·         Early Release Day:  Wednesday, February 29th, 1:10 dismissal.
·         Class party:  Wednesday, February 29th. Students earned 40 paws and will bring a bowl, spoon, and favorite baggies of cereal to school.  I will provide milk. Students voted on cereal and read and feed in comfy, cozy clothes.

·         Report cards will be sent home Friday, March 9th.

·         CSAP Dates and times:  Each day testing from 10:45-12:15
                        Tuesday, March 6 – Writing
              Wednesday, March 7 – Writing
              Thursday, March 8 – Reading
              Friday, March 9 – Reading
              Monday, March 12 – Writing
              Tuesday, March 13– Reading
              Wednesday, March 14 – Math
              Thursday, March 15 – Math
              Friday, March 16 – Math

Many parents have signed up to provide snacks during these two weeks of testing.  A final, updated electronic form will provided

·         Spring Break:  March 26th – 30th.
·         Comp Day, No school: April 2nd. Students return on April 3rd

With a tape measure or yard stick, measure the heights of five different people.
You can measure parents, siblings, friends, or family members.
You can even measure yourself.
Make a chart to show the heights, in order from tallest to shortest. Your chart should include:
- Each person's name and a picture of each person's face. (Faces can be neatly drawn, or
- Each person's height in inches, as well as feet and inches. (For example, you might list
someone as 5', 9” tall and 69” tall)
- Each person's signature, to verify that you have measured them carefully and accurately.
(Everything else should be in your own handwriting.)
At the top of your chart, list the tallest person. Below that, list the second tallest. Then, list the
third tallest, and so on.

Yards, Feet, and Inches
Memorize this: There are 12 inches in a foot.
There are 3 feet in a yard.
There are 36 inches in a yard.
Complete the table. Then, use the table to fill in the blank lines below.

1 yard
2 yards
3 yards
4 yards
5 yards
3 feet

12 feet

36 inches
72 inches
108 inches

1. ____ yards = 6 feet = ____ inches
2. 4 yards = ____ feet = ____ inches
3. 180 _______= 5 _______ = _______ feet
4. 3 _______ = 1 _______ = 36 _______
5. 9 feet = 108 ______ = 3 _______
6 yards = ____ feet = ____ inches
Super Teacher Worksheets -
Name: __________________________________________

Name: __________________________________________

Please complete the two measurement assignments:

Measurement Project