- Thank you to parents that took the time out of your busy schedules for conferences this past week. I loved the opportunity to talk about your son/daughter!
- Shark Investigation: Wednesday, October 23rd, in the morning. Shark tables will be set up outside, so we need a warm sunny day for our lesson. Please wear old clothes and bring an old shirt to cover clothing.
- Early Release Day: Wednesday, October 23rd, 1:00.
- Banana Costume and writing are due October 31st.
If you could choose one food to never eat again, what would it be? Why?
Let's practice our math facts! Play the game below for 15 min. 3 times before Friday. Here's the clencher...you have to click all the clouds! Have mom or dad sign in your planner that you fulfilled the requirement and I will pay you 5 PAWS.