- Notable person Biography: Students will choose their famous person from history. They are required to read a book on their notable person and complete research through the Internet and our wireless laptops. Their final project will be our “wax museum” presentation and a written biography, Thursday, May 2nd at 9:00-9:45 a.m. More information to follow.
- Assessment Day: Monday, April 29th. Students will attend school by appointment only. Information to follow. If you have any questions please call me.
- Early Release: Wednesday, April 24th, 1:10.
- Was Museum: Thursday, May 2nd, 9:00-9:45 a.m.
- Young Writer’s Conference, April 12th 8:00-8:50 a.m.: Student’s will share a published or polished piece of writing including small moments, short stories, poems, essays, or other writing pieces. A light breakfast will be served, a certificate of participation, a journal and pen will be given to each student participating. All students in my class are encouraged to attend and share a selection of their writing.
2. Students need to come up with three notable people from history and be prepared to submit these names on Monday. Students must be sure that there are books and internet resources availiable to them on each person. The list of three will be narrowed down to one.
3. Math Game: Adding numbers to 20.