No Take Home Note/ or homework next week. Students will still be expected to read over the winter break and fill out two reading logs. Happy Holidays!
Museum Field Trip: This Thursday, December 20th. Students are to wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a sack lunch for the day. We will depart the school at 9:10 a.m. and return back to Van Arsdale at 1:30.
Student Supplies needed: many students have used up or no longer have some of the essential supplies they started the year with, such as pencils, erasers, glue sticks, scissors, dry erase markers, colored markers and colored pencils. Our school does not have the funds to purchase these supplies for students and many students do not even have pencils.
Winter Break: December 24th- January 4, 2013. Student’s return Wednesday, January 9th, 2013!
1. We started our Solar System Unit this past week. Please watch the following two youtube movies. This information will support the understanding how the positions/rotations of the Earth, moon and Sun affect days, seasons, and lunar month.
2. Math: Please solve the following problems. Use the lattice multiplication method for solving the multiplication problems. When you divide, use the family for help!
a. 61 x 24 = b. 23 x 12 = c. 92 x 82 = d. 77 x 27 =
e. 4015 divided by 5 f. 444 divided by 6 g. 917 divided by 7