· Thank you for helping your son/daughter study their multiplication facts!
· Parent Teacher Conferences are October 17 - 18th. If you haven’t already signed up for a time, let me know.
· Friday, September 28th, early release at 1:10.
· Students are working on getting their class work and homework in on time. Students are responsible for bringing a late assignment note home for any missing homework. This is a fourth grade expectation and a sign of responsibility.
· Intermediate Field day - Wednesday, September 26th.
· Most students have done an awesome job keeping up with the weekly blog and completing the homework assigned. Included in this week’s blog is a rubric for at home writing prompts (under the important forms tab). Please encourage your son/daughter to read the rubric and edit and revise their writing before turning it in.
· · After giving the first round of our acuity test to students this past week, I noticed that many students struggle with determining the main idea, summarizing, and author’s point of view in reading and writing. We will continue to spend time in class working on these skills. Spending time at home to reinforce these strategies will only benefit your son/daughter. I appreciate your help.
1. Please read below and complete the web on a piece of paper:
2. Batter's Up Baseball: Click on the baseball to be taken to our super fun math game for the week! Be sure to play "Doubles!"
3. Writing Prompt: If you found $20 on the ground, explain what you would do with it.
- Notice that below we have attached the rubric for your writing prompt. Please share with your parents the discussions we had in class about following the prompt! This will also remain as a link under "Classroom Resources" on the top left side of the blog.
4. Science Web site: