Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 12 - 16th, 2012

·         Students did a fantastic job on CSAP testing this week.  I’m proud of their hard work and dedication to doing their best!  Thank you to all the many parents that provided healthy snacks.  Also, a big thanks to Mrs. Ranta for organizing snacks for us.
  • Report Cards were sent home on Friday. Please sign and return the envelope. You may keep the report for your records.

·         Talent Show, Friday, March 16th.      
·         Spring Break:  March 26th- 30th, 2012.

·         Comp Day, No School on April 2nd.
·         Needed:  A good home for our birds over spring break!


Memorize the following basic measurements:

12 in. is 1 foot
3 feet is 1 yard
36 in. is 1 yard
5,280 feet in one mile
10 mm is 1 cm
100 cm is 1 m
1,000 m is 1 km
2 cups in 1 pint
2 pints in 1 quart
4 cups in a quart
4 quarts in a gallon
16 cups in a gallon
8 cups in 1/2 gallon

Practice some measurement conversions.

Be able to convert yards to feet...   6 yards = _____feet....6 x 3 = 18 feet

Be able to convert feet to yards...    24 feet = _____yards...24 divided by 3 = 8 yards

Be able to convert inches to feet...24 inches = ____feet...24 divided by 2 = 2 feet

Be able to convert feet to inches...6 feet = _____inches...6 x 12 = 72 inches

Be able to do basic metric conversions as well!

Review the math vocabulary from last weeks Blog one more time.

Be able to identify perpendicular lines, parallel lines, and intersecting lines. 

Be able to identify and describe the basic geometric shapes: polygons, rhombuses, trapezoids, right triangles, and equilateral triangles.
Know the basic 3-d shapes: cone, sphere, cube, rectangular prisms, pyramids, cylinder, etc...

Be able to identify acute, obtuse, right, and straight angles.