Thursday, May 18, 2017

May 18th - 25th, 2017

    As you know, this is a super busy last week of school,  so make sure you know what's happening and are prepared and ready! Please let me know if you have any questions. 

    • Wax Museum: Student's final project will be our “wax museum” presentation and a written biography, tomorrow, Friday, May 19th at 8:50 -9:45 a.m. Students will come to school dressed as their notable person. School clothes need to be brought to school to be changed into for the remaining day. Hope to see you there!
  • Owl Pellet Dissection: We will be dissecting owl pellets Monday, May 22nd  from 10:30 - 12:10. Old clothes, and hair ties for the ladies is encouraged. We need parent helpers if you are free to come into our class and help!  We would love to have you!
  • Assembly:  Final fourth grade assembly will be Thursday, May 25th from 10:00-10:45.

  • End of the year Party!  Our last day of school is this Thursday, May 25th. Around 11:00 a.m. we will head out to the park by the ball fields.  Students are encouraged to bring a sack lunch, drink, sun block, beach towel,  and any board games or outdoor equipment (No bats or baseballs, please)  for an end of the year celebration with the two other fourth grade classes!

  • A Final Goodbye ....  I'm always so sad as the year draws to a close!  It has been my privilege and honor to be your son/daughter's fourth grade teacher.  This year has been one of my most special!  I love my job and love your kids!  Thank you for sharing them with me.  We have all grown tremendously this 2016-2017 year! It's with mixed emotions I leave Van Arsdale.  I am however, looking forward to reinventing myself and will continue to be in education in one form or another. Have a wonderful summer!    Fondly,  Suzanne Nisely

Saturday, April 29, 2017

May 1st - May 5th, 2017

  • Fourth Grade Musical - This Tuesday, May 2nd at 7:00 p.m.  See you there!

  • Final Fourth Grade Field Trip - This coming Thursday, May 4th, 2017 to the Golden City Trading Post Museum. Scheduled classes are from 10:00 - 12:00.  Students need to pack a lunch to eat in the park.  The tour and class goes on rain or shine, however, if the weather is bad, we will take our sack lunches back to school to eat in our classroom.

  • Chaperones Needed for Golden Field Trip: We need a total of 5 parent chaperones to join us Thursday.  If you have not already signed up to help, please consider joining us and meeting us in Golden.

  • Flex Day Testing is this week and next week! If you haven't signed up, please do so as soon as possible via SignUpGenius. If you don't remember your time slot, please check the SignUpGenius, linked below:     - Friday, May 5th and Monday, May 8th. 

  • Science mini sand Critter due Friday, May 12th.  Students were given supplies and instructions during science class this past week.  Due date for all projects is the 12th of May.

  • For our biography projects, student's final presentation will be our “wax museum” presentation and a written biography, on Friday, May 19th at 8:50 - 9:55 a.m. Students will come to school dressed as their notable person. School clothes need to be brought to school to be changed into for the remaining day.

  • Owl Pellet dissection:  Monday, May 22nd.  If you are able to help with fantastic dissection lab, please let me know.  Times are from 10:45 - 12:10.

  • The coming weeks are going to be incredibly busy, and will be going by quick, so please be prepared and aware of what's happening!

  • Upcoming Events:

    • Golden City Trading Center Field trip - Thursday, May 4th.
    • Flex Day Testing:  May 5th and 8th
    • Mini Sand Critter habitats due Friday, May 12th.
    • Field Day for Fourth Grade:   Wednesday, May 17th.
    • Wax Museum:  Friday, May 19th, 8:45 - 10:00
    • Owl Pellet Dissection:  Monday, May 22nd in the morning

    • Science:  Mini sand critter habitat and write up (Due on the 12th)  See supplies and notes that students brought home. 

    Sunday, March 19, 2017

    March 20th - 24th, 2017

    • Our State testing begins this week and after Spring Break.  The tests are all online and they will provide teachers with information as to how students are doing with meeting the State Standards.  Students are allowed to bring their own headphones or earbuds to school as they can be used during the test.  It would be great if they could leave their cell phones at home on testing days.  If not, we have a process to collect them before testing.  Please help us by ensuring that your child is well-rested and has a good breakfast on test day.

               Students will need working headphones or earbuds for the PARCC test that begins Monday  
               morning.  Please check with your son/daughter to be sure they have these!

    • PROMPT WRITING:   Writing this past week has been centered around how the writing prompts may look on PARCC testing next week.  Two samples of your son/daughters writing are included in Friday folders. Please look over these samples with your child and discuss their strengths and goals.
    • NEWS FROM MRS RUSS:This week we assessed our learning and discoveries in Chapter 3 or our Social Studies Text.  We learned about the Spanish, French, and American explorers who visited the area that would become Colorado.  We also learned about Colorado's first industry, the Fur Trade and the mountain men who risked life and limb to hunt and trap beaver.  We explored the purposes of exploration and how exploration leads to population growth, which ultimately leads to statehood.  Our next topic will be the Colorado Gold Rush and Pioneer/Settler history.You student took a Plickers quiz this week.  I shared their score with them immediately after the quiz.  Student were then given the opportunity to retake the test the following day.  They were responsible for seeing me after school, checking out a textbook, then meeting during their recess to retake the Plickers Quiz.  A HUGE WELL DONE to those who took me up on the offer and dramatically improved their score.  I love it when students take ownership of their academic success.  Good Job!!

    What is happening ?

    • 3/20 - 3/22  PARCC testing begins (Language) 
    • 3/27-3/31 Spring Break
    • 4/3 Students return from Spring Break
    • 5/5 Field Trip Colorado History Museum
    • 5/10-5/13 PARCC testing continues (Math)

    Math:  IXL.COM:  

                              1.  Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (R.1-R.17)

                              2.  Patterns and sequences  (L.1-L.9)

                              3.  Decimals  (T.1-T.20)

    Friday, March 10, 2017

    March 13th - 17th, 2017

    • Our State testing begins the week before Spring Break, March 20th thru March 22, from 9:30 to 11:45 each morning.  The tests are all online and they will provide teachers with information as to how students are doing with meeting the State Standards.  Students are encouraged to bring their own headphones or earbuds to school as they can be used during the test.  It would be great if they could leave their cell phones at home on testing days.  If not, we have a process to collect them before testing.  Please help us by ensuring that your child is well-rested and has a good breakfast on test day.

    • Click the link below and Check out the on line practice of PARCC testing......

    Select fourth grade for english.  There are three sections students will be asked to complete on their scheduled testing days.  

    This link provides not only student practice for questions on the PARCC but navigation thru this rigorous test.

    What is happening ?
    • 3/17  Early release Day, 1:00.

    • 3/20  PARCC testing begins 
    • 4/3 Students return from Spring Break

    1.  PARCC Practice test for fourth grade english.  Some of the same questions will be on the in class test:

    2.  IXL:   Area and Perimeter:  BB. 1, BB.2, BB3, BB.4, BB.6, BB.9
                    Angles:    Z.1, Z.2, Z.3, Z.4, Z.5

    Sunday, February 26, 2017

    February 27 - March 3, 2017

    • PARCC Testing is coming up next month, before and after Spring Break. The ELA portions are March 20, 21, and 22nd 9:30 - 11:30. The math portions are April 10th through 13th from 9:30 - 11:30 each day. These are state standardized tests, so make sure your child is getting a good breakfast and is well rested! Teachers have noticed that as students log on and complete portions of fourth grade IXL math and language, this has proved to be an amazing resource to support student understanding.
    • Upcoming Field Trip:   Wednesday, April 5th, Colorado History Center. Please be sure to fill out the permission slip and send in trip costs, if you haven't already done so.

    Dates to Remember:
    • PTSA sponsored Read- a -thon through March 10th. 
    • March 3 - Report Cards
    • March 3 - Awards assembly 10:00-10:30
    • March 10th - Talent Show Drake Middle school 6:00 p.m.
    • March 17 - Early Release
    • March 18 - Science Fair  9:00-12:00
    • March 27 - 31st - Spring Break


    •             Students will continue to bring some weekly assignments home. These assignments are given as additional practice to reinforce in class learning and are due the next school day or a late assignment note will be written.
    • IXL:  For this week, the topics to be covered can be found on:
    J6, J7, J8, R1, R2, R4, R9, P9